Green Energy as Recurring Income
Guided by its strategic intent of integration and adding value, the KNM Group is continuously seeking opportunities in strategic investments for growth and diversification from its product value chain towards realization of a recurring income for sustainable growth in the long term.
The KNM Group is progressing rapidly in its green energy business. In addition to the EPCC projects secured for the renewable energy industry, the group has further stepped up its role and is currently undertaking the following projects as a contractor as well as a project owner and developer:
Impress Ethanol Co., Ltd.
A Bio-ethanol production plant located in Thailand with total capacity of 400,000 litres per day (Phase 1 : 200,000 litres per day).

Peterborough Green Energy Ltd
A 80MW waste-to-energy power plant located in Peterborough, United Kingdom.

Advanced Pyrolysis Technology
Driven by its growth in the renewable energy industry, the KNM Group is currently embarking into promoting its “Advanced Pyrolysis Technology”, a WTE technology to recover carbon black and simultaneously producing energy.
